Sprint tries to enter… the meme market?

Rolling out slowly over the last two weeks has been “Tor, the Data Coach.” Sprint created personas for the data coach, giving him at least his own tumblr and Twitter handle, @DataCoachSays. The tumblr page posts random pictures of the datacoach with attempts at meme-worthy jokes, completely with broken English. I guess that plays in to the character’s foreign (Russian?) persona.

Nobody will be fooled in to thinking it isn’t a ploy by Sprint. The tumblr site is filled with Sprint advertisements, the color schemes are obvious, the official Sprint twitter not only follows, but responds to @DataCoachSays. In the linked tweet, the official Sprint account fights against the data limits imposed by the Data Coach. What would make this great would be if these tweets were replies to various “@VerizonWireless” tweets in regards to how great shared data plans are. But @DataCoachSays’ 122 followers tell me this isn’t going to catch on very fast.

The least they could do is buy a few more followers!


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